In honor of teaching our young, impressionable children not to tell a lie, this year's version of Troxell Trivia will be the easiest one yet. Read each statement and then decide whether it is True or True. Simple as that. Enjoy...and we hope your perfect score on Troxell Trivia will provide you with a resounding confidence to tackle even tougher challenges in 2016!

{ True or True } We made our inaugural trip to Walt Disney World to meet the Mouse (and, more importantly, the Pooh) in April to celebrate Andy's and Nathan's birthdays. 

{ True or True } Alex & Andy provided "Ring Security" at Uncle Mike and Aunt Melanie's wedding in July.

{ True or True } Alex & Andy continued to develop their aquatic skills through weekly swim lessons with the British Swim School. 

{ True or True } Both Alex & Andy got new bikes in 2015 and spent many spring, summer, fall and even unusually warm winter days putting the miles in.

{ True or True } The boys decided early in 2015 that they would be "Hulk Brothers" for Halloween and, unlike other years, their conviction to Go Green remained steadfast.

{ True or True } Andy celebrated a milestone in his education journey by moving up to the preschool class at the Glen Montessori School in September. 

{ True or True } For his 5th birthday in October, Alex asked for a LEGO themed birthday party and all his master builder dreams came true thanks to his mom and Nana. 

{ True or True } Alex had a personal goal to feed 1000 tacos to hungry people during 2015 which as of December 15 he accomplished with help from his brother, family and friends! Thanks to everyone who helped out! Learn more about his #1000Tacos challenge and consider helping him go above and beyond his goal.

{ True or True } We made our second extended Troxell family trip to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, in June and enjoyed long days at the beach, afternoon ice cream cones and nightly trips to Funland.

{ True or True } Our weekly family dinner with our Pittsburgh aunts and uncles continued in 2015 with an Italian theme... "Notte di Famiglia" is one of our favorite nights every week!

{ True or True } Our new backyard swing can support up to 7 children.